(011) 792 0482/082 853 4004

760 Kowie Road, Boskruin, 2160

Monday - Friday : 07:30 - 18:30; Saturday 08:00 - 12:00

Ashleigh Du Plessis

Ashleigh, the delightful force that brings warmth and charm to our weekend reception. Beyond her welcoming smile, Ashleigh takes on the role of a dedicated teacher during the week, shaping young minds with her kindness and knowledge. With a heart full of warmth and a demeanor that exudes friendliness, Ashleigh is not just a weekend receptionist; she’s a beacon of positivity that brightens up both our practice and the classroom.

Ashleigh Du Plessis Testimonials

This veterinary clinic offers exceptional service. They are excellent with cats and dogs as well as their owners. They are always friendly and are willing to go the extra mile. Their prices are very competitive. - GOOGLE REVIEWS
Kim da Silva
These days its hard to find a vet that actually cares and dont feel like only money making scheme. Boskruin Vet, is one of these hard to find gems. Thanks for the great service! - GOOGLE REVIEWS
Gerrie Pretorius

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